Hi! I'm Amy Blakney, and I'm delighted to become a part of the Hen House family!
It wasn't too long ago that I was working for a local physician. While working there, I was able to complete my training to become a licensed Massage Therapist. Now, with my state boards behind me and a new practice to look forward to, I thought I'd spend my spare time in the retail business!
The truth is though, the Hen House is so much more than just a place people come to make a purchase. The Hen House is an experience... a community of, oftentimes women, that come together to shop and connect with one another. Babies are born and rejoiced over, brides are wedded and celebrated, and when friends and family members pass away, the noise of the world stops, becoming still and silent in their memory.
There's so much to learn, and I gotta say, I'm ready!
I'm loving this journey, and I invite you to drop in, and join us... I can't tell you where we'll end up, but I can guarantee you we'll have a blast getting there!