My marvelous husband often complains that I never pay attention to my surroundings. He probably has a point! That could explain all the speeding tickets, the painfully bruised shins, the curbs that I can't seem to drive around without hitting, the late arrival to events, and the empty back seat where my umbrella should be on that extra soggy rainy day! Sure, my life would be easier than I make it... but who the heck wants easy?
I'm ready for a road trip with no map... an adventure with no rhyme or reason... a chapter filled with blank pages!
And... so here I am!
My name is Kim Sanders ( Queenie if you ask my delightful grandchildren ). I'm the co-owner of a brand - new gift shop... Fox in the Hen House Gifts!
Do I know what I'm doing? Absolutely not! I'm so very unaware of these unfamiliar surroundings... but that's the way I like it!
Here's what I do know though...
I know that there's someone out there... maybe you... that really wants to find the perfect gift.
And... I have just what you need!
So... gift us a try! If you do, I will promise you two things.
First, if you join me on this journey... if you allow me the chance to "wow" you, I'll do everything I can to do just that.
And second... on one will appreciate your business more than I.